The History of Cannabis in Cooking to Modern-Day Edibles

Posted by Eric Dubbel on

Cannabis has been used for centuries for medicinal and recreational purposes. But with the legalization of marijuana in many states, people have found a new way to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of cannabis - through edibles. From cookies to gummies, these treats have become increasingly popular and can be found in dispensaries, cafes, and online stores. But how did we get here? In this blog post, we'll take a brief look at the history of using cannabis in cooking and how it has evolved into the modern-day edibles we know today.


The use of cannabis in cooking can be traced back to ancient India and China, where it was used for both medicinal and culinary purposes. In India, it was used in drinks such as bhang during religious festivals, while in China, it was a common ingredient in soups and teas. Its popularity gradually spread throughout the world, and by the 19th century, cannabis had made its way into European and American medical books.

It wasn't until the 20th century that cannabis became more widespread in Western cuisine. The 1960s counterculture movement helped to popularize pot brownies, which were sold at cafes and baked at home. However, it wasn't easy to control the potency of these brownies, leading to inconsistent effects, and accidental overdoses. Furthermore, they often had an unpleasant taste.

As technology advanced and the cannabis industry evolved, people began to experiment with different ways to incorporate the plant into food. Today, edibles come in many different forms, from chocolates and gummies to tinctures and capsules. They are legal in many states where marijuana has been legalized, and have become increasingly popular due to their ease of use, excellent taste, and consistent dosages.

The cooking process for edibles has also improved dramatically. By using cannabis-infused oils or butters, the potency of edibles can be precisely controlled, and the taste can easily be masked to make them more enjoyable. Chefs have also started incorporating cannabis into gourmet dishes, both sweet and savory, and pairing them with specific strains of marijuana to enhance the flavor profile and overall experience.


The history of using cannabis in cooking dates back centuries, but it has only been in recent decades that it has turned into the modern-day edibles we know today. As the cannabis industry continues to grow and advance, we can look forward to more innovative ways of consuming this powerful plant. Whether you are a medical marijuana patient or a recreational user, edibles are a convenient and effective way to experience the benefits of cannabis. Just remember, start low and go slow with your dosages, and always purchase your edibles from a reliable source.

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