The Surprising Role of Cannabis During the Vietnam War

Posted by Eric Dubbel on

The Vietnam War remains one of the most controversial conflicts in American history, with countless debates and discussions about its impact on politics, diplomacy, and human lives. One lesser-known aspect of this conflict is the use of cannabis by American soldiers, who found solace and relief from their struggles through this plant. Cannabis played a significant role in the social and cultural dynamics of the military, as well as the political and legal landscape of the war. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating history of cannabis during the Vietnam War, and shed light on an essential chapter of the plant’s legacy.


The use of cannabis during wartime is nothing new, as soldiers have turned to various substances to cope with the challenges and traumas of combat for centuries. However, in Vietnam, cannabis emerged as a prominent feature of the soldiers' daily lives, with an estimated 44% of the US military trying marijuana at least once during their service. The reasons for this widespread adoption are many, but they all stem from the harsh realities of life in the warzone. Soldiers had to face extreme stress, boredom, fear, and physical pain, and marijuana offered a temporary escape from these hardships. Additionally, many soldiers saw smoking cannabis as a way to rebel against authority and express their dissent for the war.

Despite being illegal under military law, cannabis was widely available in Vietnam, thanks to the abundant supply from the local farmers and traders. The soldiers could buy a joint for as little as $2, and many platoons had their designated "smoke shack," where they could gather and share their stash. The use of cannabis also created a unique bonding experience for soldiers, as they could relax and connect with each other outside of the hierarchical and competitive structure of the military.

Cannabis also had a significant impact on the cultural and political movements of the time, as soldiers who returned home with a newfound appreciation for the plant contributed to its growing popularity among the civilian population. The anti-war and countercultural movements of the 1960s and 1970s embraced cannabis as a symbol of resistance against the government and mainstream society, and veterans played a crucial role in spreading this message. Additionally, many veterans who suffered from PTSD and other physical and emotional scars found relief in cannabis and became advocates for its medicinal benefits.

The use of cannabis among the soldiers was not without its challenges and controversies, though. The military authorities saw the drug as a threat to discipline and readiness, and punished soldiers who got caught smoking. The punishments varied from confinement to the stockade to dishonorable discharge, depending on the severity of the offense. Furthermore, the rampant use of drugs, including cannabis, contributed to the deterioration of the soldiers' health and mental well-being, and some critics argued that it impaired their ability to fight effectively.


The use of cannabis during the Vietnam War remains a hotly debated topic, with different perspectives and opinions on its impact and legitimacy. Regardless of where one stands on this issue, it is undeniable that cannabis played a significant role in the soldiers' lives and the broader cultural and political movements of the era. The veterans who fought in Vietnam and used marijuana as a coping mechanism and a symbol of resistance deserve recognition and respect for their contribution to the plant's legacy. The lessons of cannabis during the Vietnam War can also provide insights into the complexities and nuances of drug policy and culture in modern times. Ultimately, we can learn from the soldiers' stories and use them to shape a more informed, compassionate, and equitable approach to cannabis and other substances.

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