Newest addition to our indoor line up ORIGINIAL ZOOKIES!!! from the originators of this strain "golden state cultivators" : Zookies is a breathtakingly delicious cross of Animal Cookies and Gorilla Glue #4. Obtained from their good friends at Golden State Cultivators were gifted seeds that ultimately became this amazingly potent strain. Benefiting today’s connoisseur’s craving a unique flavor profile, Zookies is now a go-to-strain for patients and recreational smokers alike. A West Coast legend in the making, dispensaries throughout California have rapidly added this therapeutic high-end strain to their hybrid menu. The Result: Arguably one of the tastiest strains on the market today, Zookies also provides some rather heady medicinal effects. A dual-purpose smoke thanks to her hybridized nature, this strain provides both inspired motivation and deep sedation. An amazingly versatile hybrid that’s sure to take down even the most veteran smokers, Zookies by Cannaman 707 / Golden State Cultivators is a heavy-handed insomnia slayer. The Verdict: Sure, the strain’s name may sound like a playful prank but the medicinal effects are completely legitimate. Hard to find but worth the search, Zookies curative compounds make the daily routine a tad more manageable. Truly holistic medicine, Zookies could go a long way in replacing some of the more harmful pharmaceuticals in use today!