The Ultimate Guide to Alleviating Symptoms of Greening Out

Posted by Eric Dubbel on

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being too high or too stoned? If you have, then you have experienced greening out. Greening out is a term used when a person takes too much cannabis and experiences extreme symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, sweating, paranoia or an increased heart rate. The feeling of greening out can be overwhelming and scary, and can leave you feeling like you never want to indulge in cannabis again. However, there are steps you can take to alleviate the symptoms of greening out. In this blog post, we have compiled an ultimate guide on what to do to alleviate the symptoms of greening out.


1. Stop smoking or consuming cannabis - If you start experiencing the symptoms of greening out, the first step is to stop smoking or consuming cannabis. This will help prevent any further increase in symptoms and will give your body a chance to recover.

2. Eat and drink something - Consuming food and water can help alleviate symptoms of greening out. It’s important to consume something healthy and light to avoid further aggravation of your symptoms. Drinking water can help hydrate you and reduce the level of intensity of your symptoms.

3. Get Fresh Air and Exercise - Getting some fresh air and exercising can help mitigate the symptoms of greening out. Exercise can help ease anxiety, reduce nausea and can help regulate breathing. A short walk, a light jog or stretching can also go a long way in improving how you feel.

4. Use CBD Oil - CBD oil is another solution that can help mitigate greening out. CBD is a compound found in cannabis that has therapeutic properties and can help reduce anxiety, nausea or other symptoms associated with greening out. Take a few drops of a high-CBD tincture and it can help you feel better within minutes.

5. Take A Bath or Shower - The symptoms of greening out can be disruptive and uncomfortable. Taking a hot shower or a warm bath can help relax your muscles, reduce anxiety and relieve nausea. A hot shower or bath can also increase blood flow, which will help mitigate the symptoms of greening out.


Greening out is a common side effect of consuming too much cannabis and can be a scary experience. It’s important to remember that it will pass and there are steps you can take to alleviate the symptoms. By following the steps shared in this blog post, you can find relief from the symptoms of greening out and feel more relaxed knowing that you have a few immediate solutions up your sleeve.  Always remember to consume cannabis responsibly and in moderation. Happy smoking!

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