How Legalization of Cannabis has Revolutionized the Plant Genetics

Publié par Eric Dubbel le

Cannabis legalization has changed the world’s outlook on various aspects of marijuana use, cultivation, and most importantly, genetic modification. This legalization has affected the genetic structure of cannabis plants, and it’s an exciting time for cannabis enthusiasts. The plant has developed into something more than just a recreational drug, and it's attracting scientific attention globally. Here, we will discuss how the legalization of cannabis has changed the genetics of the plant.


Increased Research

The reason behind the genetic modification of cannabis plants is that many countries allow scientific and medical research into the plant. With an increase in legalization, research has gone beyond understanding the basics of the plant. Experts are now manipulating genes to unlock the secrets of this plant's medicinal capabilities and enhance the taste, aroma, and other characteristics. Furthermore, these modifications are likely to improve the plant's growth and help in developing unique strain varieties.


The Rise of Novel Strains

The legalization of cannabis has also opened a whole new world of novel strains that are more potent, flavorful and aesthetically appealing. The legal market has seen the commercialization of different flower strains, concentrates, and edibles in recent years. The abundant availability of different strains has resulted in the development of unique combinations that have not been seen before, leading to a more diverse plant pool, both medically and recreationally.


Superior Genetics and Consistency

Legalization has led to the creation of superior genetics in cannabis plants. In the past, when growing cannabis seeds, you could only expect an approximate result. However, thanks to the legalization, expert cultivators can now stabilize the genetics of the species by incorporating specific modifications. This has led to a consistent and reliable yield, an essential aspect for producers who want to create a specific product consistently.


Greater Economies of Scale

With cannabis growing to be legalized as a plant, there are more people looking into its cultivation. As the emergence of a legal industry continues, there is an increased scale of production. Large-scale cultivation facilities are finding innovative ways to get the most out of cannabis plants. Some of these include optimized LED light systems, crop engineering, and clever irrigation strategies. This has effectively revolutionized the industry and made it a more cost-efficient system, making the cultivation of cannabis plants viable and economically rewarding.


Better Controlled and Tested Products

Thanks to the increasing legalization of cannabis, the industry has proved to be safer for both the customer and the cultivator. Today, the cultivation and production of cannabis are done under strict guidelines, rules, and regulations. It is now mandatory to test all products for consistency, quality, contaminants, and whether they meet guidelines and standards. When purchasing cannabis today, you can trust that what you get is a quality product that is safe for your consumption.


It is fascinating to see how the legalization of cannabis has changed the marijuana industry and plant genetics. Through increased research, superior genetics, an expansion in the product pool, greater economies of scale, and better-controlled products, the cannabis plant has become more diverse, reliable and valuable than ever before. The future for the cannabis industry is bright, and it'll be interesting to see what other advancements emerge in the years to come.



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