The Fascinating History and Uses of Cannabis in Ancient China

Publié par Eric Dubbel le

Marijuana, weed, pot, ganja, cannabis—no matter what you call it, this plant has been used for thousands of years. And since ancient times, China has one of the earliest documented use of cannabis. It has been used by the Chinese for medicinal and recreational purposes for over 4000 years. Yes, you read that right! The fascinating history and uses of cannabis in Ancient China are truly mind-blowing. Let's take a closer look at this incredible and sometimes controversial herb.


According to historians, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung is believed to be the first person in history to recognize the medicinal properties of cannabis. Shen Nung created one of the earliest medical texts for Traditional Chinese Medicine, and cannabis was recorded to have been used for medical purposes as a treatment for many conditions including rheumatism, malaria, constipation, and gout. Furthermore, ancient Chinese literature reveals a lot about the culture’s use of cannabis, as it was also used to treat female-specific ailments such as menstrual troubles and childbirth.

Cannabis in ancient China wasn't just used for medical purposes; it was also used in many other ways, including recreational purposes and as a part of Chinese Religious rites. Cannabis consumption was closely intertwined with Taoism and the Taoist practice of Yin Yang. In fact, in some ancient Taoist texts, the plant is referred to as the Yin plant, while mistletoe, another Taoist plant, is seen as the Yang plant. The balance between the two plants was believed to be important to Taoist philosophies and practices.

Tea and Cannabis? Yes, you heard right! Ancient Chinese people used to mix cannabis leaves with tea, making a drink called "chug," which was enjoyed in many different social settings. Traditionally, cannabis-infused tea was used to relieve a variety of issues like struggling with memory and concentration. It is even said to have helped with anxiety.

The Chinese also used cannabis to create clothes and paper. The hemp plant that marijuana comes from was also used to make fine textiles and durable fibers that created beautiful fabrics and clothing. Cannabis hemp was also used to create paper, which was a big deal because it was much more efficient than traditional paper-making methods and lasted much longer.


The fascinating and varied uses of cannabis in ancient China truly help us see this herb in a different light. It's a plant that had a significant impact on many aspects of Chinese culture, including medicine, religion, economics, and even art. With more and more states legalizing cannabis, we are seeing a revival of that cultural tradition. Of course, we can only imagine what the future holds, but it is fascinating to know that cannabis has been with us for thousands of years. Whether you're new to herbal remedies, looking to explore something new, or you’ve known about cannabis for a long time, there's something special about rediscovering these ancient times and the ways in which people once used this herb.

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