The Ancient Roots of Cannabis: A Journey Through Ancient Greece

Posted by Eric Dubbel on

Did you know that cannabis has been used for medicinal and recreational purposes for thousands of years? One of the earliest recorded uses of cannabis is in Ancient Greece, where it was known as "kannabis." This wondrous plant had a significant impact on the Greeks, and it continues to fascinate researchers and enthusiasts today. In this blog post, we'll take a journey through the history of cannabis in Ancient Greece, exploring how it was used, and its role in the society at the time.


Cannabis was an essential part of ancient Greek culture and was used for various purposes. The Greeks used it for its medicinal properties to treat patients suffering from various ailments such as earaches and inflammation. They also used it for religious ceremonies and rituals. The sacred plant was believed to have spiritual powers and was used to induce euphoria and altered states of consciousness. The psychoactive effects of cannabis were utilized by the Greeks to reach a higher state of consciousness and to connect with the divine.

One of the earliest records of cannabis use in Ancient Greece can be traced back to the 5th century BCE. Greek historian Herodotus wrote about the ritual use of cannabis by the Scythians, who were a nomadic group of people located in modern-day Russia. According to Herodotus, the Scythians would inhale the smoke of the burning plant to induce a state of ecstasy and pain relief.

Greek philosopher and scientist, Hippocrates, also used cannabis for medicinal purposes. He prescribed it to his patients to help with pain relief and as an anesthetic during surgeries. Hippocrates believed that cannabis had anti-inflammatory properties and could help with the healing of wounds and other ailments.

Cannabis was not only used for medicinal and spiritual purposes in Ancient Greece but also had a significant impact on the economy. The plant was an essential commodity in the textile industry. The Greeks used hemp fibers to weave fabric for clothing, ropes, and sails for their ships. Cannabis farming was also a significant source of income for farmers, and the plant derived products like oils, perfumes, and cosmetics.


Ancient Greece's use of cannabis for medicinal, religious, and industrial purposes is a testament to the plant's versatility and value. The plant's psychoactive properties were used to reach higher states of consciousness while its medicinal properties were utilized to treat a range of ailments. Its use in the textile industry and farming industry proves its economic benefit. As the world continues to explore the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, it's fascinating to learn about the plant's ancient roots and the role it played in shaping human history.

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