Oasis| CEAS

Oasis 7g - CEAS

Total Cannabinoids: 34.53% THC: 31.06%  (Indoor Indica)
7g (1/4 Oz)
*Add 2x for $20 Discount ; Add 4x for $50 Discount (Refresh Page)

Discover the Oasis created by CEAS. This exclusive blend of aromas offers a sensory journey filled with adventure and wonderment. With it's blend of spicy herbs, pine, hashish, musky earth, sweat aromas, you are sure to experience something truly unique. On top of this symphony of scents, a fruity sweetness coupled with bubble gum and floral fragrances fill in the background for an extraordinary mix that is both enlightening and irresistibly satisfying. Lastly, a subtle hint of sour ties everything together for the perfect finishing touch.

This exhilarating product isn't just for your nose either - Oasis will transport your body into a realm of relaxation and chill. The effects are pleasantly sleepy yet calming with just enough couchlocking to keep you grounded when needed but not overwhelming in any way. At the same time, your mind will move into a meditative yet thought-provoking state of spacy bliss - one that is sure to bring mental clarity without overly stimulating the senses.

Feels Like : Sleepy, Relaxed, Tingly 
Tastes Like : Sweet, Spicy, bubblegum


Finally, CEAS has made it easy to experience this oasis yourself with each purchase featuring these signature scents - no long journeys required! So why wait? Find your own haven within today!

CEAS Oasis - A Unique Blended Aroma | Delivery

CEAS Oasis is an exclusive blend of aromas that offers a sensory journey filled with adventure and wonderment. With its blend of spicy herbs, pine, hashish, musky earth, sweat aromas, you are sure to experience something truly unique. On top of this symphony of scents, a fruity sweetness coupled with bubble gum and floral fragrances.